Monday, 21 October 2013

Create NGTodo Application using AngularJS

Create NGTODO Application using AngularJS

Part 5:

NGTodo is one of the task management application. It's very useful for manage project management or daily activities. Create this application using ng-repeat angularjs modle. The ng-repeat modle is extracting item from array. ng-repeat tutorials array binding tutorials

In this application, three type of methods used. One method is addTask(), it is perform add task in array that is tasks(array). Next method, checkTask() is check box method. It is used for click check box display delete task button. Final method, deleteTask() is deleted task. Note: This tutorials is checked single check box to deleted event is performed and how to check multiple checkbox to delete and inline editing task in next tutorials.

Sample code:

Contoller sample code, ngtodo controller

Sample result:

 Demo this tutorial - Simple NGTodo Application

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